Department of Biochemistry


Research in the Department of Biochemistry integrates metabolomics and biochemistry in scientific fields. The main focus is on cardiovascular disease (particularly atherosclerosis), primary episode psychosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as one of the main causes of disability and death in the Europe. We also carry out teaching of medical biochemistry in the Faculty of Medicine. 



  • Mihkel Zilmer – human metabolism, National Institute for Health Development, public speaking on metabolism-based nutrition
  • Tiiu Kullisaar – probiotics and oxidative stress
  • Rando Porosk – structure of biomolecules, IT-solutions for study subjects
  • Kalle Kilk – clinical metabolomics


Integrative metabolomics in health and disease

Participation in Estonian and international scientific organizations

The specific info can be found in the curriculums of our researchers. Read more in ETIS.


Publications and patents

Teaching and supervising

Doctoral theses


Career conference „To new hights with a PhD degree!“

Teaduskonverentsi publik

Call for abstracts: scientific conference celebrating the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine

 Tartu Ülikooli bio- ja siirdemeditsiini instituudi inimese geneetika õppetooli uuring koostöös Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi meestekliinikuga näitas, et üllatavalt suurel osal viljatutest meestest on lapsena diagnoositud munandi laskumishäire. Õigeaegne sekkumine aitab tulevikus lahendada viljatusprobleeme ja ennetada haruldaste kasvajate riski.

Testicular maldescent in infertile men may be a sign of a more severe genetic syndrome