Laboratory of Toxicology


Preclinical efficacy and safety testing of the new investigational drugs



Toxicology group acts as a preclinical contract research organization that provides in vitro and in vivo contract research services, as well as expert consulting services, supporting preclinical drug research and development. We offer a comprehensive package of research services for pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology companies in the preclinical efficacy and safety testing of drug candidates.


Research services

  • Testing of drug candidate on the variety of mouse/rat validated models of neurodegeneration, inflammation, pain, CNS disorders.
  • Human or animal primary neural cultures or cell lines to providing functional analysis of lead compounds in disease-relevant assays.
  • Toxicology testing, ranging from simple acute toxicity studies to complex general toxicity and toxicokinetic studies, prenatal  development  teratology, multi-generation reproduction studies as well as 24-month chronic carcinogenicity studies. Toxicology studies are good laboratory practice (GLP) compliant.
  • Highly-educated scientists provide advice for pharmaceutical product developers on the selection of test protocols, design of experiments, selection of appropriate test systems, data collection, statistical analysis and data interpretation.



  • Professor Aleksandr Žarkovski
  • Associate Professor Külli Jaako 
  • Research Fellow Monika Jürgenson 
  • Research Fellow Kaili Anier 
  • Research Fellow Janeli Viil

Career conference „To new hights with a PhD degree!“

Teaduskonverentsi publik

Call for abstracts: scientific conference celebrating the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine

 Tartu Ülikooli bio- ja siirdemeditsiini instituudi inimese geneetika õppetooli uuring koostöös Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi meestekliinikuga näitas, et üllatavalt suurel osal viljatutest meestest on lapsena diagnoositud munandi laskumishäire. Õigeaegne sekkumine aitab tulevikus lahendada viljatusprobleeme ja ennetada haruldaste kasvajate riski.

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