Laboratory of Precision and Nanomedicine


The research focus of the Laboratory of Precision and Nanomedicine is to develop smart cancer therapeutics with increased potency and decreased side effects. We use peptide phage display screens to identify homing peptides that bind to specific targets in the vasculature. Corresponding synthetic peptides are explored for targeting low molecular weight drugs, biologicals and nanoparticle drugs into tumors to increase their therapeutic index. Our scope includes understanding the molecular interactions that drive specificity and activity, focusing on Tumor Penetrating Peptides that trigger bulk extravascular transport in the tumor tissue. The work in the Laboratory of Precision and Nanomedicine is carried out in close collaboration with the laboratories of Drs. E. Ruoslahti and K.N. Sugahara at the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute in La Jolla, California.

Laboratory of Precision and Nanomedicine is supported by EMBO Installation Grant, Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship, and European Research Council Starting Grant.


Publications and patents

Doctoral theses


Career conference „To new hights with a PhD degree!“

Teaduskonverentsi publik

Call for abstracts: scientific conference celebrating the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine

 Tartu Ülikooli bio- ja siirdemeditsiini instituudi inimese geneetika õppetooli uuring koostöös Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi meestekliinikuga näitas, et üllatavalt suurel osal viljatutest meestest on lapsena diagnoositud munandi laskumishäire. Õigeaegne sekkumine aitab tulevikus lahendada viljatusprobleeme ja ennetada haruldaste kasvajate riski.

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