Molecular Pathology Research Group


Our research combines molecular and cellular immunology to understand the immune system. The main focus is to understand the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation in cells involved in immune response and tolerance. The molecular control elements are involved in every functional cellular change of the immune system including the differentiation of lymphoid or myeloid compartment and responses to various outside stimuli. We apply experimental models and techniques of molecular and cell biology to tackle scientific questions in our research area.



Teaching and supervising

Doctoral theses

Teaduskonverentsi publik

Call for abstracts: scientific conference celebrating the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine

 Tartu Ülikooli bio- ja siirdemeditsiini instituudi inimese geneetika õppetooli uuring koostöös Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi meestekliinikuga näitas, et üllatavalt suurel osal viljatutest meestest on lapsena diagnoositud munandi laskumishäire. Õigeaegne sekkumine aitab tulevikus lahendada viljatusprobleeme ja ennetada haruldaste kasvajate riski.

Testicular maldescent in infertile men may be a sign of a more severe genetic syndrome

Tartu Ülikool uuring näitas, et ühest geeniveast põhjustatud mehepoolne viljatus on arvatust palju sagedasem.

One of the largest male infertility genetic studies improves molecular diagnostics and personalized management of andrology patients